Where can I find the cheapest flights? That is a question most people have asked themselves when searching for discount airline tickets. Sometimes, it is very easy to get amazing deals on cheap air travel, but you have to know where to look.
Of course, you can bid on airline tickets through priceline airfare when you are planning a trip and asking where can I find the cheapest flights. I have personally gotten extremely cheap airfare through priceline. I once paid 75 dollars round trip between Boston, MA and Rochester, NY. Sometimes, you can find priceline promo codes on sites like retailmenot which will allow you to get even larger discounts on flights. You can even rent a car these days through priceline car rental. There are often promo codes available for that as well.
If you have looked on priceline and still do not believe that you have adequately answered the question, where can I find the cheapest flights, your next course of action should be to check out travelocity deals. Travelocity often bundles airfare and hotel costs together allowing travelers to get a discount on both. I used travelocity to book my honeymoon. We got a great deal on round trip tickets from Rochester to New Orleans, and we stayed at a luxury hotel for $60 per night. It may have helped that we went during the off season, too.
I still always ask myself, where can I find the cheapest flights. My mother also asks me, where can I find the cheapest flights? The answer to that question is that there are many online resources available for you to snag cheap airfare. Whether you use priceline, travelocity, hot wire, or MSN travel, you can bet that there is a good deal on the exact flight you want. That is how I answer people when they ask me, where can I find the cheapest flights.