The lakeside campgrounds are a family tradition. While your neighbors were back home trick-or-treating from door to door on Halloween, your children grew up trick-or-treating at lakeside campgrounds with aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and family friends.
Right after an early dinner, the camping families line up for the Halloween parade. With lighted jack-o’-lanterns, creepy music, and imaginative costumes, the Halloween parade often has more participants than spectators. Once the parade route is over, the adults return to their own campsites and the children begin making their way trick-or treating through the campground. The night always ends with s’mores and hot chocolate at the large fire circle by the horse barn.
The Best Traditions Often Include Family Camping Vacations
Just as the summer is winding down for some families, camping families are still making plans for weekends away at their favorite local camping sites. Three day weekends, fall breaks from school, and even winter holidays are possible camping opportunities. Finding a way to get away from the busy schedules of work, school, sports practices, and technology, camping allows families to enjoy each other’s company.
Although many think of camping as a summer only activity, many camping enthusiasts have found that trading in tents and fire pits from the summer for cabins with indoor fireplaces in the winter is a great way to spend Thanksgiving or Christmas family vacations. Some lakeside campgrounds even have sledding, ice skating, ice fishing, and snowmobiling. Outdoor family activities are a great way to spend winter breaks and provide a popular tradition that will bring everyone together for years.
Camping Continues to be a Popular Family Option
Did you know that the majority of camping is done on public campgrounds? In fact, in the year 2010, nearly 40 million people went camping for a total of 515 million outings, and 70% of these trips happened on public campgrounds. According to the 2014 American Camper Report, as many as 40.1 million Americans went camping in the year 2013. This means that 14% of the American population over age the age of six went camping that year. Furthermore, each camper, whether staying in a tent, RV, cabin, or yurt, spent an average of nearly 15 days camping each year.
Today’s campgrounds are available with a variety of amenities. Traditional, old fashioned campgrounds with simple tent sites are still available, but other campsites offer many other options. With everything from swimming pools to tennis courts and rock climbing walls to miniature golf courses, today’s full service campgrounds provide everything a family could want. Add in the fact that unique locations like lakeside campgrounds and mountain side campgrounds can provide even more outdoor options and you realize that today’s family camping trip can be as varied as you want.
As the school year starts and the family calendar fills with football games, volleyball matches, and homework, many families who love camping decide that they do not want to give up all of their summer time favorites. With plans to go to local camping sites for even a one night stay, families can still find a way to spend time together once the school year has started.