Traveling with a pet can be a magical experience and dog lovers everywhere enjoy taking their furry babies with them on vacation. Thanks to hotels and other travel destinations becoming more and more pet-friendly, there’s no need to leave beloved pets at home anymore!

With that said, pet nutrition is important at all times, and this video explains how to ensure traveling doesn’t upset a dog’s diet.

People who plan to take their dog with them wherever they travel will need to make sure the pet gets all the nutrients it needs to stay healthy, and that its eating habits aren’t changed drastically.

A 2017 study found that dogs enjoying a raw food diet are healthier and have a more balanced gut microbiome. But traveling with raw food is not a good idea, which is why dog owners should try alternative ways of ensuring they can still feed their pets properly.

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Transporting raw food safely will help keep the dog healthy and avoid illness. Freeze-dried raw food is a good idea, and the food simply needs to be hydrated before feeding time. Keep in mind that high-pressure pasteurization is used to remove bacteria, and some bacteria are good for the dog.


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