Did you love to go camping as a child? Are your fondest memories of family vacations? What, in particular, did you most love about camping?
A recent survey showed that when they were children, 57% of campers participated in outdoor activities on a regular basis. The Institute of Education at Plymouth University conducted a study regarding kid-friendly vacations that included camping. The results of this study showed that 95% of the parents believed their children were actually happier on these, rather than other, types of vacations. There’s just something about being in and exploring the outdoors!
When asked about the benefits of camping and outdoor activities for children, the Institute of Education at Plymouth University study’s parents shared these perspectives:
- Their children were able to appreciate and connect with nature: 98%
- Their children were happier when camping: 95%
- Their children developed useful skills that would be beneficial later in their lives: 93%
According to the “2014 American Camper Report,” 40.1 million Americans over the age of 6 went camping in the previous year. This leisure activity continues to be favored among people in the United States. In fact, it is considered to be the most-beloved outdoor activity in the country!
Since camping is eagerly anticipated for so many Americans, 43% plan their trips in advance at least a month. Planning ahead, when possible, is a good idea so that campers are able to stay at their favorite campgrounds. While embarking on an occasional spontaneous camping vacation will occur from time-to-time, advance registration can ensure that there’s space available.
Many families enjoy staying in cabins at a family camping resort. These vacation spots are fun for children of all ages. Parents are able to relax and just enjoy the outdoors while their children are engaged in a variety of fun and educational experiences. And of course parents will do more than “just” relax, as they will want to share in all of the fun, which will likely include walking, hiking, and water activities.
Whether campers in search of family-oriented campgrounds may travel a considerable distance, others may choose to stay closer to home. When you plan your trip at least a month in advance, you will discover how many kid friendly activities are available at Lake George, for example.