A limousine car service is an incredibly popular thing here in the United States and taking advantage of a limousine car service is something that many people can benefit from. A limousine service is ideal for any number of events and special occasions, and can be utilized just about whenever.
For instance, hiring a limo rental from a limousine car service is very popular for weddings and weddings parties. And weddings are incredibly common here and all throughout the United States, with very nearly two and a half million of them occurring each and every year in this one country alone. For every weekend that passes, more than forty four thousand weddings will take place, with as many people celebrating one of the happiest days of their lives.
And you want your wedding day to be an incredibly special one – hiring a limousine car service can do just that. A limousine car service allows you to travel in style and brings that much more luxury into the typical wedding experience. A limousine is the perfect way for a bride to have a few extra moments with her bridesmaids before the ceremony begins, and gives the bride and groom a few minutes of much needed privacy once it comes to a conclusion and before the reception starts.
Aside from weddings, a limousine car service can be perfect for the typical prom night. For many a high school student here in the United States, prom is the biggest night of their lives – so far. Prom represents the close of the high school years for many, and is the best sendoff around. For many seniors in high school, celebrating their senior prom with limousine services is the best way that their parents can help to make the night one of the most special that they have had.
The limousine car service and its usage throughout the entirety of the night can also help to keep these teens safe from the danger of drunk driving, of which more than three hundred and seventy teens died from on prom nights throughout the country in the year of 2005 alone, a number that has only climbed in the more than ten years that have passed us by since.
As much as parents would like to and hope to prevent it, drinking happens at prom. It’s a time for teenagers to test their limits and to break out of the protective shells that they’ve lived within for so long. Drinking is one of the greatest acts of teen rebellion, and drinking at the prom can be a huge problem at any given school as a result, with more than half of all students having at least four drinks if not more on any given prom night. While not all students will drink at their prom, it’s certainly a high enough number, a high enough percentage, to be a cause for concern.
All too often, these teenagers then get behind the wheel while intoxicated without informing anyone that they have been drinking. As a result, a car accident is far too likely to occur, leading to injury, severe vehicle damage, and even death. Hiring a limousine car service for your prom going teenager can help to reduce this risk by a considerable margin, if not eliminate it entirely to begin with.
Of course, limousine car services can also be ideal for events where adults might be getting drunk as well. A bachelor or bachelorette party is the perfect example of this, as heavy drinking is often involved in both types of night. Taking a taxi home can be less than glamorous after such a night, and so hiring a limousine car service or other such luxury transportation service can be a great way for the night to end for all included in the party, with little to no threat of getting into a life changing and life threatening car accident.
And the typical limousine car service is even more versatile. A limo can take you to the airport, for instance, or to a business meeting. It can take you just about anywhere you could want to go here in America.