Being able to get away on a budget is difficult. Having just escaped the clutches of the Great Recession, many are still struggling to pay their bills, let alone save up any sizable amount of money to put toward a vacation. As NBC News points out, the average vacation will cost families anywhere from $1,180 to $4,000.
Unfortunately, for a huge number of people, those prices are just too high. If you’re struggling to save up money to take your family away, however, there is hope. Staying in budget hotels is one of the best ways to cut your vacation costs and get away with the people you love.…
Since Liberia’s civil wars ended in the late 90’s and the first government elections were held in 2005, according to the United Bassa Organizations in the Americas, the country has made real efforts to rebuild and maintain a high quality tourist industry. Eight years later, Liberia finds itself as one of the best African destinations for villa holidays and beach resorts, many of which are all-inclusive.
Of course, luxury villa holidays aren’t quite enough to draw tourists in by themselves.…
Have you always wanted to see the United Kingdom? Every year, according to Visit Britain, more than 30 million people with the same dream flood the country, heading to London, Dublin, and other British cities known for their beauty and cultural curiosities. London, the capital of the United Kingdom, hosts more than 54% of all tourists visiting the country.
Subsequently, according to BBC News, London Town has more than 130,000 hotel rooms; an additional 8,000 rooms will open by the end of 2013.…
How many times has someone asked you “Where can I find the cheapest flights?”, as if you had the connections to know the cheapest flight off of the top of your head. They might think that because you took the best and cheapest vacation of any of your coworkers last year. But what they don’t know is that you just know where to look for all of the right information, to get the advantage over all of the other travelers. You know when to check the Tripadvisor forums, and when to see what Priceline has to offer, or Expedia or Orbitz.…
Worried about your kids causing trouble in a Weekend at Bernie’s situation when you are planning a vacation? The best way to avoid that is, quite simply, to bring them with you. That is particularly true if you want to head to a city in a different country, like the always popular London. In 2011 alone, travelers spent more than £9.4 billion while touring the historic city. Though it might be tough to get there, especially if you have to include plans for kids, heading to London and staying in one of the best hotels is a great way to get a glimpse of life away from home and escape the daily grind.…
According to statistics verified by STR Global, the average full-service hotel has 290 rooms, an average nightly occupancy of 66%, and has an average daily revenue of more than $56,000. While some might think that the average daily rate of just over $150 is too much to pay, many are wiling to pay that price for great service and comfort. Regardless of if you are traveling for business or a family vacation, planning a trip can be a bit difficult. Fortunately, Kayak hotel searches make the process much simpler and less stressful by making finding and booking hotels easy.…
When it comes to planning a trip, where can I find the cheapest flights? I need someplace where I can bid on airline tickets, and maybe booking hotels too. A system that allows me to name my own price. I do not want to spend tons just to get to my vacation, and then have to pinch every penny and be miserable while I am there. What can I do?
Sounds familiar, right? It is the plight of anyone traveling anywhere. Plane tickets can get expensive, unless you book them a year in advance, for the middle of the week, to be flown at night.…
Everyone deserves a vacation at some point. At one time or another, we all simply need to get away fro a while. For those of us looking to save money, this might seem like an unavailable luxury, but there are definitely ways to save big on flights and hotel rooms online.
In order to find great cheap flights Orbitz is a very useful website. All you have to do is enter the information for where you want to go and when, then they find you the best deals, as well as searching similar dates for even better options.…