While it is often said that one cannot have his cake and eat it too, for those who bid on airline tickets, that is not necessarily true. Obviously, the internet has created all kinds of opportunities for consumers and businesses of all stripes. With websites like travel web, the lonely planet, cheap flights orbit, Yahoo travel flights, and the Bing travel price predictor, many people wonder how internet sellers can offer such good deals. Well, the answer to that is clear. The fact that the internet is used by hundreds of millions of people, all day, every day, allows sellers to reach more consumers than they could ever possibly serve. As such, any money they lose by offering deals, can be easily made up for in sales volume.
When it comes to travelers who want to bid on airline tickets, the internet offers hundreds of sellers who are competing against one another. Thus, the basic principles of open market competition are obviously at play here. Still, the naive may continue to wonder why competition can have enough impact over the internet to lead to deals on tickets that are not available at brick and mortar travel agencies. Well, the answer to that lies in the immediacy of access. Online sellers realize that prospective customers are scouring the internet for the best deals on airline tickets that they can find; and thus, potential customers can walk away more quickly than they can make a purchase. However, if the deal is good enough, a customer will scoop it up a good deal in a wink. Also, there is another advantage for those who bid on airline tickets online. As with any auction, the bidding usually starts very low, and during slow times, or when demand on a particular ticket is low, a traveler who makes a bid on airline tickets can potentially save hundreds of dollars.
Since so many people turn to the internet to make their purchases, the most successful online sellers can offer great deals because of the volume of sales that they enjoy. For travelers who bid on airline tickets, it obviously works the same way. In fact, many people who travel frequently will only bid on airline tickets. The amount of money that one can save through online bidding is significant enough that the most savvy internet buyers purchase most of their durable good through online auctions.